(800) 604-5537
American Wick Drain SITEDRAIN Geocomposite Products
The American Wick Drain line of Geocomposites are a great solution for subsurface drainage applications and can be easily installed in places where traditional piping might be a challenge such as Commercial Decking, Chimneys, Planter Boxes, Retaining Walls, Playgrounds, Residential Basements, Roadway Edge Drainage, Spillways, Synthetic Turf Surfaces, & Blindside Walls.
American Wick Drain Accessories
Single Sided Sheet Drains

Double Sided Sheet Drains

Prefabricated Strip Drains

Why use Dimpled Sheet Drainage vs. Standard aggregate backfill?
- Easy in-field installation can be done in minutes with minimal prep
- Reduced transportation cost of excavation material as less excavation required compared to traditional drain fields
- SITEDRAIN's won't clog with soil as aggregate backfill rock will
- engineered solution for subsurface water management from one primary direction and one secondary direction
- laminated geotextile fabric allows water to pass through and flow down the polymeric drain core

Our prefabricated drainage products may be installed in a variety of civil construction applications including: retaining walls, shoring walls, MSE walls, bridge abutments, landfills, split slabs, underslab, cut-slopes, trench drains and cutoff drains.
AWD products are engineered to provide predictable performance without the expense of specialized tools or equipment. Our solutions are durable and designed to work in conjunction with soil, concrete or shotcrete backfill materials in a wide variety of subsurface drainage applications.
Our prefabricated drainage products combine a formed and molded polymer core with geotextile filter fabrics bonded to one or both sides. The fabric retains backfill materials while allowing water to freely enter the drainage core, providing a continuous and efficient flow path for collected water.
AWD manufactures Single Sided Sheet Drains, DS (Double-Sided) Sheet Drains, Chimney Drains, and Combination Drains. The following information provides guidelines applicable to prefabricated drains in typical applications
Different styles of American Wick Drain SITEDRAIN products:

The American Wick Drain line of Geocomposites are a great solution for subsurface drainage applications and can be easily installed in places where traditional piping might be a challenge such as Commercial Decking, Chimneys, Planter Boxes, Retaining Walls, Playgrounds, Residential Basements, Roadway Edge Drainage, Spillways, Synthetic Turf Surfaces, & Blindside Walls.
How do you store SITEDRAIN?
- Store materials in protected environment until time of installation.
- Materials not shipped in UV resistant bags must be stored indoors or under separate UV protective cover to protect materials from exposure to direct sunlight.
- UV resistant bagged materials may be stored in outdoor UV exposed environments for a cumulative maximum of 180 days.
- Limit unpackaged material UV exposure to a cumulative maximum of 14 days during installation.
- Do not expose materials to chemicals that are strong acids, strong bases, or high in solvents content.
- Protect materials from site construction damage, flames, and other environmental conditions that may damage the materials.
What are the installation guidelines for AWD SITEDRAIN?
- AWD does not recommend installation when the ambient temperature is below 20°F or above 100°F.
- AWD products should not be installed in applications where the long term operational temperature is expected to be below 20°F or above 150°F.
- AWD does not recommend hot applied layers (i.e. asphalt, hot mix setting beds, etc.) with application temperatures greater than 200°F be applied directly in contact with drainage products. In instances where the application temperature is above 200°F, please contact AWD for technical assistance.
- Do not install materials during high wind events.
What accessories come with SITEDRAIN?
AWD offers a complete line of Fittings including couplings, tee's, & Joint Tape (AWD Tape). These fittings are sold separately and work in conjunction with the correct dimple drain size.
It is recommended for the sealing, seaming, terminating and connecting details referenced in this document. Any tape designed for underground use is acceptable provided it offers a strong bond that will not deteriorate over time in typical or anticipated subsurface conditions.
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